Origin Of A Crystal Soul
Date Added: |
2004-12-21 10:54:12 |
As dawn is weaving between fallen autumn leaves
the poor ones gather under naked trees
asking how to survive, 'cause the winter breaks
and medieval coldness now from a deep sleep awakes
Libera me domine de morte, aetema in die illa tremenda
[free me oh lord from the death, in the terrible day of it]
It's december, 14th 1503, as the ones above stop their mourning
as the one arrived - selected to foresee - something changed without a warning!
(libera me domine de morte, aetema in die illa tremenda)
[free me oh lord from the death, in the terrible day of it]
Es war geboren in des christengottes zeit
[it was born in the time of christ the god]
ein bub - so die legende - mit des schöpfer's fähigkeit
[one boy - as the legend - with the creator's abilities]
zu sehen, was sein wird, im verborgenen, unerkannt
[to see, what will be, hidden, unknown]
denn der mit dem leumund des ketzers würd(war???) öffentlich verbrannt
[then those with the reputation of the heretics were often burnt]
Die hand, die - greifend nach dem schönen - blutet von der rose dorn
[the hand, that reached for the beauty - bled from the rose thorn]
der trieb der menschen habgier, bestraft durch gottes zorn
[human instinct of greed, punished by the god's wraith]
er, der spiegel eurer seele, spürt die trauer, kummer, gram
[he, the mirror of our souls, sensed the mourning, grief, sorrow]
er, der träger dieses namens: michael de notre dame
[he, the owner of the names: michael de notre dame]

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