>> LyricsProvider.com presents: "Push up - Freestylers"
Push up
Album: unknown
I think I saw your body before I saw your face,
The kind of moves you made where wakin up the place,
Then you favourite song come one the one you love,
You come over to me,
Looked in my eyes and said for sure,
You had your hands all over my body tonight,
You didn't care about respectability,
With people staring cos you really made a seen,
It must of looked liked we were doin it for real.
You Said,
Where I come from we don't play around,
And when its time to party we know how to get down,
And where were goin baby you don't have to worry bout a thing,
Take my hand,
Move your body up and down,
Push Up
Your body, Your body next to mine
Push Up
I gotta make that sexy booty mine
Push Up
And shake it, baby shake that ass
Push Up
I love when you feel like getting nasty.
Just like drug you work with my reality,
You where a figment of my sexuality,
I know your capable of blowing down the mic,
So excuse me when you talk to me I seam preoccupied.
Where I come from we don't play around,
And when its time to party we know how to get down,
And where were goin baby you don't have to worry bout a thing,
Take my hand,
Move your body up and down,
Push Up
Your body, Your body next to mine
Push Up
I gotta make that sexy booty mine
Push Up
And shake it, baby shake that ass
Push Up
I love when you feel like getting nasty.
Where I come from, no, we don't play around,
No No,
And where I Come from, yeah, we get down, we get down,
So move your body up and down and
Push Up
Your body, Your body next to mine
Push Up
I gotta make that sexy booty mine
Push Up
And shake it, baby shake that ass
Push Up
I love when you feel like getting nasty.
Push Up
Your body, Your body next to mine
Push Up
I gotta make that sexy booty mine
Push Up
And shake it, baby shake that ass
Push Up
I love when you feel like getting nasty
Taken from: >> LyricsProvider.com
Eve & Louise
2004-10-05 06:19:38
The lyrics posted here are at some points slightly off the mark. It is pretty hard to follow the exact lyrics, because at certain points in this great song, the words sound more like a rap than a song. Hopefully you don't mind that I suggest the following alterations i.e. improvements to the lyrics stated below :
(line # - submitted lyrics - addenda)
# 2 - wakin - rockin'
# 3 - then your favorite song came on, the one you love
# 5 - in my eyes - me in the eyes
# 8 - seen - scene
# 9 - of - have
#12 - its - it's
# 24 - I love when - I love it
# 25 - like drug - like a drug
# 25 - you work with - you rock with
# 27 : I know you're capable of blowin' out my mind
# 28 - i seam - you seem
# 32 - where were - where we're
# 43 - like # 24 - add "it"
BTW : The album is called : Raw as f**k
rebecca de madrid
2004-09-15 00:50:20
Where I come from we don't play around,
And when its time to party we know how to get down!!
(rrrrrrrr, i like it!!)
2004-09-03 23:39:29