Cu Ma La Be Stay
Chubby Checker
Date Added: |
2004-12-21 07:46:28 |
Cc cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
group cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
cc bum ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
group bum ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
cc in the summertime when the sun goes down
the heat starts rising off the ground
my friends and i we gather round
we dance and sing to the cu ma la sound
group cu ma la sound
cu ma la sound
cc everybody forms a circle
now somebody jumps inside
jump it hit it now
you clap your hands
you stamp your feet
you do the jerk
to the cu ma la beat
come on hit it
cc cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
group cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
cc ar cha know know know be-stay
group ar cha know know know be-stay
cc momma say
group momma say
cc poppa say
group poppa say
cc chubby say
group chubby say
cc hey hey
cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
group cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
cc everybody forms a circle
now somebody jumps inside
jump it come on
you clap your hands
you stamp your feet
you do the jerk
to the cu ma la beat
come on
cc cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
group cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
cc ar cha know know know be-stay
ar cha know know know be-stay
cc momma say
group momma say
cc poppa say
group poppa say
cc chubby say
group chubby say
cc we say
group we say
cc cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay
group cu ma lama
cu ma la
cu ma la be-stay......fade
Cu ma lama, may be in parts "bum ma lama"
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