Sigur Ros
Date Added: |
2004-12-21 07:36:43 |
Įgętis byrjun
Bjartar vonir rętast
er viš göngum bęinn
brosum og hlęjum glašir
vinįtta og žreyta mętast
höldum upp į daginn
og fögnum tveggja įra biš
fjarlęgur draumur fęšist
boršum og drekkum saddir
og borgum fyrir okkur
meš žvķ sem viš eigum ķ dag
setjumst nišur spenntir
hlustum į sjįlfa okkur slį
žaš viršist enginn hlusta
žetta er allt öšruvķsi
viš lifšum ķ öšrum heimi
žar sem vorum aldrei ósżnileg
nokkrum dögum sķšar
viš tölum saman į nż
en hljóšiš var ekki gott
viš vorum sammįla um žaš
sammįla um flesta hluti
viš munum gera betur nęst
žetta er įgętis byrjun
a pretty good beginning
Bright hopes come true
as we walk downtown
smiling and laughing happily
friendship and exhaustion collide
we celebrate the day
a two year wait
a distant dream is born
we eat and drink til we're full
and pay for ourselves
with everything we have for the day
we sit down excited
listen to ourselves play in rhythm to the music
no one seems to listen
this is completely different
we lived in another world
where we were never invisible
a few days later
we speak again
but the sound wasn't good
we were all in agreement
in agreement about most things
we'll do better next time
this is a pretty good beginning
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